Pedigree complete and balanced dog food for adult dogs is a wholesome meal packed with essential nutrients vital to the healthy growth of your pet. Pedigree with the goodness of cereals, meat, chicken, and nutrients blend into a tasty and healthy treat for your furry friend.
With Pedigree dog food, you are sure to see the 5 Signs of Good Health in your pet upon feeding him 2 bowls (per the given feeding guidelines) a day for just 6 weeks. These signs include proven;
1) Healthier and Shinier Coat
2) Strong Bones and Teeth
3) Digestive Health (from Dietary Fiber)
4) Strong Muscles (from Protein)
5) Improved Natural Defense (from Vitamins and Minerals)
At Pedigree, recipes are developed based on research from the Waltham Centre for Pet Nutrition. Every product from PEDIGREE surpasses the requirements laid down by NRC 2006 of the U.S. National Academy of Science.
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